Veterans Committee Growing its mission, message and membership
The Veterans Committee of the Oklahoma Democratic Party is working hard to elect Democrats. The Committee’s focus is on candidates who understand and support the needs of US military veterans, all service members and their families.
“Our active efforts for Campaign 2020 have greatly expanded over those in previous years,” said Calvin Rees, President of the Veterans Committee.
“This year we have expanded our presence on social media, identified and contacted many more Veterans and built the volunteer and financial foundation to support these projects.
Contracting the services of an experienced infrastructure coordinator, the Committee has improved its Facebook presence, expanded email outreach and created a dynamic new website (
“To date, we have endorsed 38 candidates. For each of those we have written a personalized endorsement statement attached to an engaging graphic, explaining why the candidate deserves the votes of veterans and military families”, said Rees.
The Committee has invested in a database with contact information for 112,000 Oklahoma veterans. This valuable data has been incorporated into the Voter Activation Network (VAN) for use by the Oklahoma Democratic Party and all Democratic nominees.
“We field tested this data with a phone campaign that we called Veterans Call Veterans. Now candidates desiring to make a targeted outreach to Veterans will have the tools they need. And of course our members will use this data ourselves for intense Get Out The Vote efforts in the home stretch of the 2020 Election,” said Rees.
Rees said committee members are mindful that everything they plan to do requires money and volunteers.
“We have more than doubled our membership from the previous year and engaged an even wider network of friends and allies. We raised the necessary funds to purchase the statewide database and to kick-start our expanded social media presence. But we can’t slow down now. We will need to raise more funds to finish out this election season. We welcome and encourage financial support to our committee. Whether the donation is $5 or $500, every dollar will go to meet our mission,” said Rees.
Checks made out to the Veterans Committee of the Oklahoma Democratic Party may be mailed to POB 54804, Oklahoma City, OK 73154, or charged on our ActBlue account at