Robin Fuxa for OK Senate District 21

Name: Robin Fuxa
Office sought: OK Senate District 21
The Oklahoma Democratic Veterans Federation strongly supports the election of Robin Fuxa to Oklahoma Senate District 21. Robin has strong family connections to the veterans’ community. Her father was a staff sergeant with the 1st Air Cav in Vietnam. Both of her grandfathers served in the US Army during World War II, one fighting in the Battle of the Bulge. Uncles and cousins served in uniform from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf.
Robin understands that the transition from military to civilian life can be very difficult, and that veterans deserve support in finding educational and employment opportunities. Senior veterans often need help too, especially those in rural areas who need transportation to services remote from their homes.
Among the causes Robin Fuxa will pursue in office are helping to connect veterans’ military skills and experience with private sector jobs, building on the opportunities for higher education put in place in 2022 through the Educational Assistance Program for the Oklahoma National Guard, increasing visibility of and accessibility to services already in place, and expanding convenient transportation services for veterans in rural areas.
Aware of the great contributions veterans and military families make to Oklahoma communities and to the nation, Robin is eager to serve this community in any way she can.