Erin Brewer for Oklahoma State Senate District 47

Erin Brewer
Candidate for State Senate District 47
The Oklahoma Democratic Veterans Federation strongly supports the election of Erin Brewer to Oklahoma Senate District 47. Erin’s father, grandfather, brother-in-law, great uncle and great aunt are all US military veterans, serving in conflicts ranging from World War II to Desert Storm. Though all were humble about their service, Erin always understood their pride, and their personal sacrifice.
Erin Brewer is deeply concerned about the quality and efficiency of healthcare, including mental healthcare, provided to veterans and military families. She knows too many stories of delays in access to physical care, and a failure to connect service members with the support they need to reduce suicide rates among past and present service members.
Senate District 47 is home to a high number of active-duty families and veterans, drawn to the area’s public schools and quality of life. Erin Brewer is committed to public education, economic opportunity, and access to affordable healthcare for all Oklahomans. Service men and women are promised – and deserve – specialized healthcare, and she will work to see that promise fulfilled. Believing in listening and working with people to solve problems, she is eager to hear from veterans and their families on how best to provide the schools, jobs and healthcare they deserve.