Rose Lynch
Office sought: OK State House of Representative, District 16
Learn more at Rosie Lynch for Oklahoma

1. Have you ever served in the US Armed Forces? If so, what were your branch, rank and years of service? Mention any details you might want voters to know.

Regrettably, I have not served.

2. Do you have connections with veterans or active-duty service members, including but not limited to family ties?

My immediate family include grandparents, my father, my twin sister, my brother in law, and my nephews served in the military. I have an enormous circle of friends who all have served our nation both enlisted, officers, and JAG.

3. What do you consider the most important issues facing veterans and military families?

Accessible healthcare and mental healthcare for our rural military veterans and their families, especially for those in the rural community. Our rural Veterans struggle to get transportation to hospital care/visits because of lack of transportation and no bus system in the rural community.

Affordable housing options, including adding accessible ramps for their homes.

Affordable food access, especially when serving overseas for their family stateside

The Veteran’s voice and issues do not seem to have a platform nor do they all feel like people are listening to the issues that face them and their families.

4. In what ways can you be helpful to Veterans and military families if elected to office? These may of course include policies not specifically directed to those communities. If you are an incumbent, include initiatives you have already undertaken.

Rural veterans need access to healthcare, including transportation and affordability, as well as removing the stigma for our veterans and their families to receive mental healthcare and support.

I hope to shine a bright light on these issues and the specific issues faced by rural veterans.

I would like to create a day of service for our veterans throughout the state, similar to a day of caring by the united way. Our elderly veterans have mentioned they feel overlooked or forgotten and this is something we can address in office.

Learn more at Rosie Lynch for Oklahoma